Our exceptional United States Government is expressly designed around big picture concepts which were were unique in the 6,000 years of recorded human history. You can disagree with these if you want, you can say they are old-fashioned or racist ideas, whatever, but you have to understand that this government was built on it to grasp how things are supposed to work and why it so quickly became a world superpower.
- Humans have inalienable rights, not granted to them by government
- The best government is limited by a written Supreme Law, not by any person.
- That Supreme Law should be simple, understandable by anyone, and read literally like the contract it was. (Ours is here)
- Since power corrupts, it should be divided, and divided again, and again preferably so that politician's ego are balanced against the only other equivalent power in the Known Universe: other politicians' ego. (See balance of power)
- The power to tax is the power to destroy
- Those with the most "jurisdiction" have the shortest tenure. The officials with the longest tenure have extremely limited authority. This is why Member of Congress, which have the sole power to tax (see tax above) only have two year terms. Federal judges, with lifetime tenure, were to have very little to do. The Constitution only creates two federal criminal laws. Any others are limited by the 17 grounds in Article I.
- People can actually own things here. Private property is a bedrock principle.